Almost everybody will experience back pain at some point in their lives.
In the US back pain is the main reason we go to the doctor. So, what’s wrong with our backs?
Well, as weird as this might sound, it’s not our backs. Something is wrong with our alignment. Your back pain is merely the symptom of misalignment somewhere else in your body. The spine is designed to rest in an S-curve position. With our body aligned as designed (shoulders over hips, over knees, over ankles), the stress and weight on the spine is equally distributed. When we are out of alignment, the spine starts compensating and the S-curve begins to disappear. This is when the back pain rears its ugly head (perhaps in the form of stenosis or a herniated disk) and lets us know something is awry. But these diagnoses are not the cause, they are the symptom. At Pain Free Performance we can show you how to correct the underlying problem creating your back pain, regain your alignment and be back pain free!
Serving the Charlottesville and Albemarle County area. Our Posture Alignment Therapists are Graduates of Egoscue University.