At our clinic, we see several clients a week with scoliosis – a curvature of the spine. Some people are born with scoliosis and for most it develops in puberty when the muscles can’t keep up with the bones during this intense period of growth. This muscle imbalance is what pulls the spine into an unnatural curve. Scoliosis can be very painful and without intervention can worsen. Our clients with scoliosis have often tried everything including bracing, rounds of physical therapy and even spinal surgery placing Harrington rods in the back in an attempt to correct the curve of their spine. Despite these methods, they continue to have pain in their body caused by this muscular imbalance.
When Egoscue was developed, the idea was simple: activate muscles to pull the bones into an aligned position. When the body is given the correct stimulus, the muscles will pull the bones into a straight position. When the bones are aligned, the friction on our joints when we move will be decreased. Your spine is subject to the same rules! By rebalancing the muscles of your back, your spine will load correctly and decrease the curve of scoliosis.
During the initial evaluation, your Egoscue therapist will analyze the curve of the spine by taking photos, palpating the joint position, and completing functional tests to see how the body obtains a specific movement. This will allow your Egoscue therapist to not only feel and see the curve, but also to determine which muscles are overworking and which are not doing enough to align your body and your spine correctly. Your Egoscue e-cise menu will have a series of exercises designed to activate the specific muscle groups in your body that are needed to decrease the curve of your spine. When your body – including your spine – is aligned and symmetrical it will move with ease and without pain!