Do You Have Knee Pain?
Do you have knee pain? One of them is stiff and aches in the morning. Or you get knee pain going up stairs or walking downhill. You don’t cross your legs anymore because that knee hurts.
So, you ask your doctor about it and she says that extra ten pounds puts that much more pressure on the knee. Or maybe, she says it just goes with getting older. My question is this: how come that extra weight or age only affects one knee??? The answer is: because your knee pain is not the problem—your knee pain is the symptom but the problem is your alignment!
If you stand in front of a full length mirror, look at how your hips, knees and feet line up. Are your hips level? Do your knees point straight ahead? How about your feet? Do they splay out or point straight ahead? Probably one foot points out more than the other. If your feet and knees point in any other direction than straight ahead, then at some point you will get knee pain.
It is really very simple; the knee is a hinge joint so if the feet and or knees point off to the side, you’re putting a torque or twist at that joint. With every step you take, you’re asking that hinge joint to take on a twist under a load that it is not designed to handle. A couple of years of that twisting and you’ve got knee pain.
So, they’ll tell you to lose some weight and next they’ll want to replace the knee. I just saw an ad on TV about a new knee replacement—to sell you on a knee replacement! Of course, sometimes it’s necessary, but for most of us that original is just fine—the design has been around for a few thousand years! Either way, new knee or the ones you were born with – the advice is the same: fix your posture and your alignment and you won’t have knee pain!
Are you ready to have a life free of knee pain? Do you want to get back to doing the things you love to do without pain? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, let’s find out what Egoscue can do to help. You can reach us by phone at 434-296-0600 or via email at If you aren’t in the Charlottesville area, no problem! We work with folks from all over the country via Skype. We can get you the help you need without you ever having to leave your house! To free yourself from knee pain, you have to get your body balanced. When you do, you can get back to doing all the things you love to do, PAIN FREE!
QUESTION: What activity have you stopped doing because of your knee pain?