Pain Free Performance – It’s the name of our posture clinic in Charlottesville, Virginia and it is also every person’s birthright. We should be able to do whatever we want free of any kind of chronic musculo-skeletal pain. For most of us, that is not the case. We live with pain every day, but the good news is, we don’t have to!
In its truest form, pain is the body’s alarm system. It is telling us that something is wrong and urging us to do something about it. When we listen to that alarm, a whole new world awakens! First, we need to determine what our body is trying to tell us and then take responsibility and be pro-active to regain our health. That’s where our expertise at Pain Free Performance comes in!
In listening to your pain, is there a position that helps it feel better or decrease? Is that position associated with an activity? What happens when you do that activity with perhaps more mindfulness? Does the pain/symptom increase, decrease or not change?
The body thrives on movement and it must move to maintain health. Load bearing joints need to line up in vertical and horizontal lines to allow the body to move without limitation or pain. So, if you’re in pain, you need some help with alignment to get your body back to its original perfect design. After all, for thousands of years we have walked, run, danced, crawled, dug, thrown, climbed, swung, jumped and played. By doing these things, we thrived! There’s no reason we shouldn’t be doing these things all of our lives. Our technology-oriented society has taken us away from our life of movement and well-being (hunched over desks in front of computers rather than moving) but we can reclaim our active lifestyles!
So, I ask you, is your back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, neck pain or knee pain keeping you from doing something that brings you joy or makes you feel good about life? Are you willing to take some action to change that? People may be suggesting medication, injections, even surgery but there is another way. You have to do it, but we’re here to show you how. It’s your move and your body!